You Too Can Control the Kipple

Yeah, I did it. I followed the toy overload solution that made the most sense to me:

Dump that shiz out, comb through the rubble, and organize like your sanity depends on it (because… it dooooooooes).

I sent the husband off on a nap ride with the wee monsters, collected my supplies (two miraculously empty toy buckets, a plastic Target bag for trash, a paper Target bag for donations, and a YUUUUUUGE cup of coffee) and went. to. town.

I ended up with one bag of throw’emouts (filled mostly with the packaging my kids love almost as much as the toys themselves) and two bags of donations (mostly of the outgrown baby toy we never actually played with types because I refuse to donate anything important to my son… which is most of his stuff). Everything else got sorted into themed bins including:

  • Baby toys we keep forever for the feels
  • Chewable toys for baby gums-a-lot
  • Paw Patrol and toys who like to play with Paw Patrol
  • ImagineNext figures and accessories
  • Pirate-themed
  • Random figures
  • Large potato heads
  • Mini potato heads
  • Play-Doh
  • Balls

I had already organized puzzles and games the week prior and it relieved that part of my brain that stresses over clutter so thoroughly that I was inspired to do more.Now… this is just the first floor of my house and the big kid’s got toys galore in his room but my time is precious and few and there are only so many nap rides they’re willing to take per day.

But if you’re wondering if the Dump & Parse method works, I give a resounding YES!

You know, for now. It’s been like, a day and half that crap’s all over the floor again but at least now, there are dedicated buckets to put them back in!

Also, I haven’t written in at least a week because I chose writing as a hobby and hobbies are people with the luxury of time on their hands. So until my daughter stops toy stroller stunting the second I turn my back to her, I don’t see myself finishing any major projects for a while.

man riding a bicycle

Replace this young man with a feisty toddler and his bike with a pink and teal toy stroller and you’ll have the bulk of my afternoon.  Photo by Josh Kur on




Going Off the Deep End, Like Everybody

I’m trying to teach my son that happiness and pleasure can be found in simple, every day things as long as you have the right attitude and you intentionally build your life around the things that make you happy.

My husband and I talked about this recently. We are not Go Away For the Weekend people, partly because we both work weekends but also because if we’re not working, we just want to be home. We like our house and our local restaurants and stores, our neighborhood playgrounds and our area attractions. We found a place to live that we’re happy to be in, jobs we like to do, and a regular schedule that we can easily live with and/or adjust when necessary.

I’m sorry, Loverboy, but we disagree. We do not work for the weekends. Also, what… is that song about, really? It’s kind of all over the place. While also being awesome. And now it’s in my head and I’m not mad about it.


This is how I feel about writing as a hobby as well. If I can just have a regular schedule where time is put aside just for writing or editing or promoting or whatever, I can be happy with whatever I do (or do not) accomplish.

The sad happens when writing gets backburnered to holidays and family drama and work disasters and that’s where I’m at now. I have had no time to write. I don’t 100% remember what was going on in the story so I’m finding it hard to continue without re-reading first. And my primary mode of processing my ish and decompressing is TRAGICALLY ABSENT FROM MY LIFE!

Seriously, ya’ll, what do you do when you can’t write but you desperately want to? Is it Netflix? Buzzfeed? Daydreaming? Keep in mind that reading is out for me as well because quiet moments alone are nonexistent in my world.

$.99 Book Sale Up In Here

Summer fades but teen love is eternal… ish: LIKE TWO OPPOSITE THINGS.

Post-apocalyptic chick-lit about a found family struggling to survive:

Institutionalized ghost therapy causes widespread workplace stress:

Eda Novels 99c this week

Did you get an Amazon gift card for the holidays? Are you starting your 2019 Reading Challenge? Do you love me and want to support me in my hobby noveling?

GREAT! Buy a book or three on sale this week for $.99.

Visit the links above or my Amazon author page. Happy reading, friends!