It Has Been Done

Aaaand… I’m finished. The first draft of my 2016 NaNoWriMo story is now complete at a total of 67,613 words, about 5048 of which were written during Camp NaNoWriMo this month which, since I reset my Camp goal to 5,000 words, makes me a winner.


Ok, yes, sure, the ending is total crap and will probably be rewritten but it’s an ending. That ends. The story has ended which means I am DONE! I AM DONE! Wooooo!


Thank you Camp NaNoWriMo for the love and the hugs and the motivation, for a great cabin full of funny fiesty fellows, and for letting me set my word count so low.

I’d also like to thank my office on Sundays for being very quiet and boring because it helped me write SO MUCH MORE than I can at home.

And my son for napping today. Because he doesn’t always anymore and it puts me at a huge disadvantage when it comes to racking up wordcount.

Editing will happen. Beta reading will happen. There will be a ton of rewrites and some head pounding and some self-doubt but that’s for another day. Today, we get to feel like this:
